
Examples of

        mExtensions = extensions;

    public void setUseExecutor(boolean useExecutor) {
        if (useExecutor) {
            mExecutor = new WaitableExecutor();
        } else {
            mExecutor = null;
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     * @throws InterruptedException
    public void writeDataFolder(@NonNull File rootFolder)
            throws IOException, DuplicateDataException, ExecutionException, InterruptedException {

        WaitableExecutor executor = new WaitableExecutor();

        // get all the items keys.
        Set<String> dataItemKeys = Sets.newHashSet();

        for (S dataSet : mDataSets) {
            // quick check on duplicates in the resource set.
            ListMultimap<String, I> map = dataSet.getDataMap();

        // loop on all the data items.
        for (String dataItemKey : dataItemKeys) {
            // for each items, look in the data sets, starting from the end of the list.

            I previouslyWritten = null;
            I toWrite = null;

             * We are looking for what to write/delete: the last non deleted item, and the
             * previously written one.

            setLoop: for (int i = mDataSets.size() - 1 ; i >= 0 ; i--) {
                S dataSet = mDataSets.get(i);

                // look for the resource key in the set
                ListMultimap<String, I> itemMap = dataSet.getDataMap();

                List<I> items = itemMap.get(dataItemKey);
                if (items.isEmpty()) {

                // The list can contain at max 2 items. One touched and one deleted.
                // More than one deleted means there was more than one which isn't possible
                // More than one touched means there is more than one and this isn't possible.
                for (int ii = items.size() - 1 ; ii >= 0 ; ii--) {
                    I item = items.get(ii);

                    if (item.isWritten()) {
                        assert previouslyWritten == null;
                        previouslyWritten = item;

                    if (toWrite == null && !item.isRemoved()) {
                        toWrite = item;

                    if (toWrite != null && previouslyWritten != null) {
                        break setLoop;

            // done searching, we should at least have something.
            assert previouslyWritten != null || toWrite != null;

            // now need to handle, the type of each (single res file, multi res file), whether
            // they are the same object or not, whether the previously written object was deleted.

            if (toWrite == null) {
                // nothing to write? delete only then.
                assert previouslyWritten.isRemoved();

                removeItem(rootFolder, previouslyWritten, null /*replacedBy*/);

            } else if (previouslyWritten == null || previouslyWritten == toWrite) {
                // easy one: new or updated res

                writeItem(rootFolder, toWrite, executor);
            } else {
                // replacement of a resource by another.

                // first force the writing of the new one.

                // write the new value
                writeItem(rootFolder, toWrite, executor);

                removeItem(rootFolder, previouslyWritten, toWrite);


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