Package brooklyn.entity

Examples of brooklyn.entity.Entity

            // Lookup entity from context or flags
            Object context = flags.get(LocationConfigKeys.CALLER_CONTEXT.getName());
            if (context != null && !(context instanceof Entity)) {
                throw new IllegalStateException("Invalid location context: " + context);
            Entity entity = (Entity) context;

            // Configure the entity
  "Configuring entity {} via subnet {}", entity, dockerHost.getSubnetTier());
            ((AbstractEntity) entity).setConfigEvenIfOwned(SubnetTier.PORT_FORWARDING_MANAGER, dockerHost.getSubnetTier().getPortForwardManager());
            ((AbstractEntity) entity).setConfigEvenIfOwned(SubnetTier.PORT_FORWARDER, portForwarder);
            if (getOwner().getConfig(WeaveInfrastructure.ENABLED)) {
                WeaveContainer weave = getOwner().getAttribute(WeaveContainer.WEAVE_CONTAINER);
                ((AbstractEntity) entity).setConfigEvenIfOwned(SubnetTier.SUBNET_CIDR, weave.getConfig(WeaveContainer.WEAVE_CIDR));
            } else {
                ((AbstractEntity) entity).setConfigEvenIfOwned(SubnetTier.SUBNET_CIDR, Cidr.UNIVERSAL);
            configureEnrichers((AbstractEntity) entity);

            // Add the entity Dockerfile if configured
            String dockerfile = entity.getConfig(DockerAttributes.DOCKERFILE_URL);
            String imageId = entity.getConfig(DockerAttributes.DOCKER_IMAGE_ID);
            String imageName = DockerUtils.imageName(entity, dockerfile, repository);

            // Lookup image ID or build new image from Dockerfile
            LOG.warn("ImageName for entity {}: {}", entity, imageName);
            String imageList = dockerHost.runDockerCommand("images --no-trunc " + Os.mergePaths(repository, imageName));
            if (Strings.containsLiteral(imageList, imageName)) {
                // Wait until committed before continuing

                // Look up imageId again
                imageList = dockerHost.runDockerCommand("images --no-trunc " + Os.mergePaths(repository, imageName));
                imageId = Strings.getFirstWordAfter(imageList, "latest");
      "Found image {} for entity: {}", imageName, imageId);

                // Skip install phase
                ((AbstractEntity) entity).setConfigEvenIfOwned(SoftwareProcess.SKIP_INSTALLATION, true);
            } else {
                // Set commit command at post-install
                insertCallback(entity, SoftwareProcess.POST_INSTALL_COMMAND, DockerCallbacks.commit());

                if (Strings.isNonBlank(dockerfile)) {
                    if (imageId != null) {
                        LOG.warn("Ignoring container imageId {} as dockerfile URL is set: {}", imageId, dockerfile);
                    imageId = dockerHost.createSshableImage(dockerfile, imageName);
                if (Strings.isBlank(imageId)) {
                    imageId = getOwner().getAttribute(DockerHost.DOCKER_IMAGE_ID);

                // Tag image name and create latch
                images.putIfAbsent(imageName, new CountDownLatch(1));
                dockerHost.runDockerCommand(String.format("tag %s %s:latest", imageId, Os.mergePaths(repository, imageName)));

            // Set subnet address pre install
            insertCallback(entity, SoftwareProcess.PRE_INSTALL_COMMAND, DockerCallbacks.subnetAddress());

            // Look up hardware ID
            String hardwareId = entity.getConfig(DockerAttributes.DOCKER_HARDWARE_ID);
            if (Strings.isEmpty(hardwareId)) {
                hardwareId = getOwner().getConfig(DockerAttributes.DOCKER_HARDWARE_ID);

            // Create new Docker container in the host cluster
  "Starting container with imageId {} and hardwareId {} at {}", new Object[] { imageId, hardwareId, machine });
            Map<Object, Object> containerFlags = MutableMap.builder()
                    .put("entity", entity)
                    .putIfNotNull("imageId", imageId)
                    .putIfNotNull("hardwareId", hardwareId)
            DynamicCluster cluster = dockerHost.getDockerContainerCluster();
            Entity added = cluster.addNode(machine, containerFlags);
            if (added == null) {
                throw new NoMachinesAvailableException(String.format("Failed to create container at %s", dockerHost.getDockerHostName()));
            } else {
                Entities.start(added, ImmutableList.of(machine));
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"Resume {}", dockerContainerName);
        getDockerHost().runDockerCommand("start" + getContainerId());

    private DockerTemplateOptions getDockerTemplateOptions() {
        Entity entity = getRunningEntity();
        DockerTemplateOptions options = DockerTemplateOptions.NONE;

        // Use DockerHost hostname for the container
        Boolean useHostDns = entity.getConfig(DOCKER_USE_HOST_DNS_NAME);
        if (useHostDns == null) useHostDns = getConfig(DOCKER_USE_HOST_DNS_NAME);
        if (useHostDns != null && useHostDns) {
            // FIXME does not seem to work on Softlayer, should set HOSTNAME or SUBNET_HOSTNAME
            String hostname = getDockerHost().getAttribute(Attributes.HOSTNAME);
            String address = getDockerHost().getAttribute(Attributes.ADDRESS);
            if (hostname.equalsIgnoreCase(address)) {
            } else {

        // CPU shares
        Integer cpuShares = entity.getConfig(DOCKER_CPU_SHARES);
        if (cpuShares == null) cpuShares = getConfig(DOCKER_CPU_SHARES);
        if (cpuShares != null) {
            // TODO set based on number of cores available in host divided by cores requested in flags
            Integer hostCores = (int) getDockerHost().getDynamicLocation().getMachine().getMachineDetails().getHardwareDetails().getCpuCount();
            Integer minCores = (Integer) entity.getConfig(JcloudsLocationConfig.MIN_CORES);
            Map flags = entity.getConfig(SoftwareProcess.PROVISIONING_PROPERTIES);
            if (minCores == null && flags != null) {
                minCores = (Integer) flags.get(JcloudsLocationConfig.MIN_CORES.getName());
            if (minCores == null && flags != null) {
                TemplateBuilder template = (TemplateBuilder) flags.get(JcloudsLocationConfig.TEMPLATE_BUILDER.getName());
                if (template != null) {
                    minCores = 0;
                    for (Processor cpu : {
                        minCores = minCores + (int) cpu.getCores();
            if (minCores != null) {
                double ratio = (double) minCores / (double) hostCores;
      "Cores: host {}, min {}, ratio {}", new Object[] { hostCores, minCores, ratio });
        if (cpuShares != null) options.cpuShares(cpuShares);

        // Memory
        Integer memory = entity.getConfig(DOCKER_MEMORY);
        if (memory == null) memory = getConfig(DOCKER_MEMORY);
        if (memory != null) {
            // TODO set based on memory available in host divided by memory requested in flags
            Integer hostRam = getDockerHost().getDynamicLocation().getMachine().getMachineDetails().getHardwareDetails().getRam();
            Integer minRam = (Integer) entity.getConfig(JcloudsLocationConfig.MIN_RAM);
            Map flags = entity.getConfig(SoftwareProcess.PROVISIONING_PROPERTIES);
            if (minRam == null && flags != null) {
                minRam = (Integer) flags.get(JcloudsLocationConfig.MIN_RAM.getName());
            if (minRam == null && flags != null) {
                TemplateBuilder template = (TemplateBuilder) flags.get(JcloudsLocationConfig.TEMPLATE_BUILDER.getName());
                if (template != null) {
                    minRam =;
            if (minRam != null) {
                double ratio = (double) minRam / (double) hostRam;
      "Memory: host {}, min {}, ratio {}", new Object[] { hostRam, minRam, ratio });
        if (memory != null) options.memory(memory);

        // Volumes
        Map<String, String> volumes = MutableMap.copyOf(getDockerHost().getAttribute(DockerHost.DOCKER_HOST_VOLUME_MAPPING));
        Map<String, String> mapping = entity.getConfig(DockerHost.DOCKER_HOST_VOLUME_MAPPING);
        if (mapping != null) {
            for (String source : mapping.keySet()) {
                if (Urls.isUrlWithProtocol(source)) {
                    String path = getDockerHost().deployArchive(source);
                    volumes.put(path, mapping.get(source));
                } else {
                    volumes.put(source, mapping.get(source));
        List<String> exports = entity.getConfig(DockerContainer.DOCKER_CONTAINER_VOLUME_EXPORT);
        if (exports != null) {
            for (String dir : exports) {
                volumes.put(dir, dir);

        // Set login password from the Docker host

        // Look for environment variables configured on the entity
        Map<String, Object> shellEnv = entity.getConfig(SoftwareProcess.SHELL_ENVIRONMENT);
        if (shellEnv != null && !shellEnv.isEmpty()) {
            String env = Joiner.on(':').withKeyValueSeparator("=").join(shellEnv);
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            // Check context for entity being deployed
            Object context = flags.get(LocationConfigKeys.CALLER_CONTEXT.getName());
            if (context != null && !(context instanceof Entity)) {
                throw new IllegalStateException("Invalid location context: " + context);
            Entity entity = (Entity) context;
            LOG.debug("Obtained mutex for DockerLocation: {}", context);

            // Get the available hosts based on placement strategies
            List<DockerHostLocation> available = getDockerHostLocations();
            for (DockerAwarePlacementStrategy strategy : strategies) {
                available = strategy.filterLocations(available, entity);
            List<DockerAwarePlacementStrategy> entityStrategies = entity.getConfig(DockerAttributes.PLACEMENT_STRATEGIES);
            if (entityStrategies != null && entityStrategies.size() > 0) {
                for (DockerAwarePlacementStrategy strategy : entityStrategies) {
                    available = strategy.filterLocations(available, entity);
            } else {
                entityStrategies = ImmutableList.of();

            // Use the docker strategy to add a new host
            DockerHostLocation machine = null;
            DockerHost dockerHost = null;
            if (available.size() > 0) {
                machine = available.get(0);
                dockerHost = machine.getOwner();
            } else {
                Iterable<DockerAwareProvisioningStrategy> provisioningStrategies = Iterables.filter(Iterables.concat(strategies,  entityStrategies), DockerAwareProvisioningStrategy.class);
                for (DockerAwareProvisioningStrategy strategy : provisioningStrategies) {
                    flags = strategy.apply((Map<String,Object>) flags);

      "Provisioning new host with flags: {}", flags);
                SshMachineLocation provisioned = getProvisioner().obtain(flags);
                Entity added = getDockerInfrastructure().getDockerHostCluster().addNode(provisioned, MutableMap.of());
                dockerHost = (DockerHost) added;
                machine = dockerHost.getDynamicLocation();

            // Now wait until the host has started up
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    public void launch() {
        InetAddress address = getEntity().getAttribute(WeaveContainer.WEAVE_ADDRESS);
        Boolean firstMember = getEntity().getAttribute(AbstractGroup.FIRST_MEMBER);
        Entity first = getEntity().getAttribute(AbstractGroup.FIRST);"Launching {} Weave service at {}", Boolean.TRUE.equals(firstMember) ? "first" : "next", address.getHostAddress());

        newScript(MutableMap.of(USE_PID_FILE, false), LAUNCHING)
                .body.append(BashCommands.sudo(String.format("%s launch %s", getWeaveCommand(),
                        Boolean.TRUE.equals(firstMember) ? "" : first.getAttribute(Attributes.SUBNET_ADDRESS))))
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Related Classes of brooklyn.entity.Entity

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