Package at.bestsolution.efxclipse.tooling.jdt.ui.internal.editors.model.anttasks

Examples of at.bestsolution.efxclipse.tooling.jdt.ui.internal.editors.model.anttasks.SignJar

        boolean _and = false;
        SignJar _signjar = task.getSignjar();
        String _keystore = _signjar.getKeystore();
        boolean _notEquals_7 = (!Objects.equal(_keystore, null));
        if (!_notEquals_7) {
          _and = false;
        } else {
          SignJar _signjar_1 = task.getSignjar();
          String _keystore_1 = _signjar_1.getKeystore();
          int _length = _keystore_1.length();
          boolean _greaterThan = (_length > 0);
          _and = (_notEquals_7 && _greaterThan);
        if (_and) {
          _builder.append("<!-- Need to use ${basedir} because somehow the ant task is calculating the directory differently -->");
          _builder.append("<fx:signjar ");
          SignJar _signjar_2 = task.getSignjar();
          String _keystore_2 = _signjar_2.getKeystore();
          _builder.append(_keystore_2, "    ");
          _builder.append("\" ");
          SignJar _signjar_3 = task.getSignjar();
          String _alias = _signjar_3.getAlias();
          _builder.append(_alias, "    ");
          _builder.append("\" ");
          SignJar _signjar_4 = task.getSignjar();
          String _keypass = _signjar_4.getKeypass();
          _builder.append(_keypass, "    ");
          _builder.append("\" ");
          SignJar _signjar_5 = task.getSignjar();
          String _storepass = _signjar_5.getStorepass();
          _builder.append(_storepass, "    ");
          _builder.append("\" ");
            SignJar _signjar_6 = task.getSignjar();
            String _storetype = _signjar_6.getStoretype();
            boolean _notEquals_8 = (!Objects.equal(_storetype, null));
            if (_notEquals_8) {
              SignJar _signjar_7 = task.getSignjar();
              String _storetype_1 = _signjar_7.getStoretype();
              _builder.append(_storetype_1, "    ");
              _builder.append("\" ");
          _builder.append("<fileset dir=\'dist\'>");
          _builder.append("<include name=\'**/*.jar\' />");
        boolean _or = false;
        boolean _and_1 = false;
        boolean _notEquals_9 = (!Objects.equal(appletWidth, null));
        if (!_notEquals_9) {
          _and_1 = false;
        } else {
          boolean _notEquals_10 = (!Objects.equal(appletHeight, null));
          _and_1 = (_notEquals_9 && _notEquals_10);
        if (_and_1) {
          _or = true;
        } else {
          Deploy _deploy_13 = task.getDeploy();
          String _packagingFormat = _deploy_13.getPackagingFormat();
          boolean _notEquals_11 = (!Objects.equal(_packagingFormat, null));
          _or = (_and_1 || _notEquals_11);
        if (_or) {
          _builder.append("<mkdir dir=\"deploy\" />");
          _builder.append("<!-- Need to use ${basedir} because somehow the ant task is calculating the directory differently -->");
            Deploy _deploy_14 = task.getDeploy();
            boolean _isVerbose = _deploy_14.isVerbose();
            if (_isVerbose) {
              _builder.append("verbose=\"true\" ");
          Deploy _deploy_15 = task.getDeploy();
          boolean _isEmbedjnlp = _deploy_15.isEmbedjnlp();
          _builder.append(_isEmbedjnlp, "    ");
          Deploy _deploy_16 = task.getDeploy();
          boolean _isExtension = _deploy_16.isExtension();
          _builder.append(_isExtension, "    ");
            boolean _and_2 = false;
            boolean _and_3 = false;
            boolean _and_4 = false;
            boolean _notEquals_12 = (!Objects.equal(appletWidth, null));
            if (!_notEquals_12) {
              _and_4 = false;
            } else {
              int _length_1 = appletWidth.length();
              boolean _greaterThan_1 = (_length_1 > 0);
              _and_4 = (_notEquals_12 && _greaterThan_1);
            if (!_and_4) {
              _and_3 = false;
            } else {
              boolean _notEquals_13 = (!Objects.equal(appletHeight, null));
              _and_3 = (_and_4 && _notEquals_13);
            if (!_and_3) {
              _and_2 = false;
            } else {
              int _length_2 = appletHeight.length();
              boolean _greaterThan_2 = (_length_2 > 0);
              _and_2 = (_and_3 && _greaterThan_2);
            if (_and_2) {
              _builder.append(appletWidth, "    ");
              _builder.append("\" height=\"");
              _builder.append(appletHeight, "    ");
          _builder.append(" ");
          Deploy _deploy_17 = task.getDeploy();
          boolean _isIncludeDT = _deploy_17.isIncludeDT();
          _builder.append(_isIncludeDT, "    ");
          Deploy _deploy_18 = task.getDeploy();
          boolean _isOfflineAllowed = _deploy_18.isOfflineAllowed();
          _builder.append(_isOfflineAllowed, "    ");
          _builder.append(projectName, "    ");
          _builder.append("\" ");
            Deploy _deploy_19 = task.getDeploy();
            String _packagingFormat_1 = _deploy_19.getPackagingFormat();
            boolean _notEquals_14 = (!Objects.equal(_packagingFormat_1, null));
            if (_notEquals_14) {
              Deploy _deploy_20 = task.getDeploy();
              String _packagingFormat_2 = _deploy_20.getPackagingFormat();
              _builder.append(_packagingFormat_2, "    ");
            Deploy _deploy_21 = task.getDeploy();
            String _placeholderref = _deploy_21.getPlaceholderref();
            int _length_3 = _placeholderref==null?0:_placeholderref.length();
            boolean _greaterThan_3 = (_length_3 > 0);
            if (_greaterThan_3) {
              Deploy _deploy_22 = task.getDeploy();
              String _placeholderref_1 = _deploy_22.getPlaceholderref();
              _builder.append(_placeholderref_1, "    ");
          _builder.append(" ");
            Deploy _deploy_23 = task.getDeploy();
            String _placeholderid = _deploy_23.getPlaceholderid();
            int _length_4 = _placeholderid==null?0:_placeholderid.length();
            boolean _greaterThan_4 = (_length_4 > 0);
            if (_greaterThan_4) {
              Deploy _deploy_24 = task.getDeploy();
              String _placeholderid_1 = _deploy_24.getPlaceholderid();
              _builder.append(_placeholderid_1, "    ");
          _builder.append(" ");
            Deploy _deploy_25 = task.getDeploy();
            String _updatemode = _deploy_25.getUpdatemode();
            int _length_5 = _updatemode==null?0:_updatemode.length();
            boolean _greaterThan_5 = (_length_5 > 0);
            if (_greaterThan_5) {
              Deploy _deploy_26 = task.getDeploy();
              String _updatemode_1 = _deploy_26.getUpdatemode();
              _builder.append(_updatemode_1, "    ");
          _builder.append(" >");
            boolean _and_5 = false;
            Deploy _deploy_27 = task.getDeploy();
            Info _info_2 = _deploy_27.getInfo();
            EList<Splash> _splash = _info_2.getSplash();
            boolean _isEmpty_1 = _splash.isEmpty();
            if (!_isEmpty_1) {
              _and_5 = false;
            } else {
              Deploy _deploy_28 = task.getDeploy();
              Info _info_3 = _deploy_28.getInfo();
              EList<Icon> _icon = _info_3.getIcon();
              boolean _isEmpty_2 = _icon.isEmpty();
              _and_5 = (_isEmpty_1 && _isEmpty_2);
            if (_and_5) {
              _builder.append("<fx:info title=\"");
              _builder.append(projectName, "    ");
              _builder.append("\" vendor=\"");
              Deploy _deploy_29 = task.getDeploy();
              Info _info_4 = _deploy_29.getInfo();
              String _vendor_1 = _info_4.getVendor();
              _builder.append(_vendor_1, "    ");
            } else {
              _builder.append("<fx:info title=\"");
              _builder.append(projectName, "    ");
              _builder.append("\" vendor=\"");
              Deploy _deploy_30 = task.getDeploy();
              Info _info_5 = _deploy_30.getInfo();
              String _vendor_2 = _info_5.getVendor();
              _builder.append(_vendor_2, "    ");
                Deploy _deploy_31 = task.getDeploy();
                Info _info_6 = _deploy_31.getInfo();
                EList<Splash> _splash_1 = _info_6.getSplash();
                for(final Splash s : _splash_1) {
                  _builder.append("<fx:splash href=\"");
                  String _href = s.getHref();
                  _builder.append(_href, "      ");
                  _builder.append("\" ");
                    SplashMode _mode = s.getMode();
                    boolean _notEquals_15 = (!Objects.equal(_mode, null));
                    if (_notEquals_15) {
                      SplashMode _mode_1 = s.getMode();
                      _builder.append(_mode_1, "      ");
                  _builder.append(" />");
                Deploy _deploy_32 = task.getDeploy();
                Info _info_7 = _deploy_32.getInfo();
                EList<Icon> _icon_1 = _info_7.getIcon();
                for(final Icon i : _icon_1) {
                  _builder.append("<fx:icon href=\"");
                  String _href_1 = i.getHref();
                  _builder.append(_href_1, "      ");
                  _builder.append("\" ");
                    String _depth = i.getDepth();
                    boolean _notEquals_16 = (!Objects.equal(_depth, null));
                    if (_notEquals_16) {
                      String _depth_1 = i.getDepth();
                      _builder.append(_depth_1, "      ");
                  _builder.append(" ");
                    String _height = i.getHeight();
                    boolean _notEquals_17 = (!Objects.equal(_height, null));
                    if (_notEquals_17) {
                      String _height_1 = i.getHeight();
                      _builder.append(_height_1, "      ");
                  _builder.append(" ");
                    IconType _kind = i.getKind();
                    boolean _notEquals_18 = (!Objects.equal(_kind, null));
                    if (_notEquals_18) {
                      IconType _kind_1 = i.getKind();
                      _builder.append(_kind_1, "      ");
                  _builder.append(" ");
                    String _width = i.getWidth();
                    boolean _notEquals_19 = (!Objects.equal(_width, null));
                    if (_notEquals_19) {
                      String _width_1 = i.getWidth();
                      _builder.append(_width_1, "      ");
                  _builder.append(" />");
          _builder.append("<fx:application refId=\"fxApplication\"/>");
            Deploy _deploy_33 = task.getDeploy();
            Template _template = _deploy_33.getTemplate();
            String _file = _template==null?(String)null:_template.getFile();
            String _trim = _file==null?(String)null:_file.trim();
            int _length_6 = _trim==null?0:_trim.length();
            boolean _greaterThan_6 = (_length_6 > 0);
            if (_greaterThan_6) {
              _builder.append("<fx:template ");
              Deploy _deploy_34 = task.getDeploy();
              Template _template_1 = _deploy_34.getTemplate();
              String _file_1 = _template_1.getFile();
              _builder.append(_file_1, "      ");
                Deploy _deploy_35 = task.getDeploy();
                Template _template_2 = _deploy_35.getTemplate();
                String _toFile = _template_2.getToFile();
                String _trim_1 = _toFile==null?(String)null:_toFile.trim();
                int _length_7 = _trim_1.length();
                boolean _greaterThan_7 = (_length_7 > 0);
                if (_greaterThan_7) {
                  Deploy _deploy_36 = task.getDeploy();
                  Template _template_3 = _deploy_36.getTemplate();
                  String _toFile_1 = _template_3.getToFile();
                  _builder.append(_toFile_1, "    ");
          _builder.append("<fx:resources refid=\"appRes\"/>");
            SignJar _signjar_8 = task.getSignjar();
            String _keystore_3 = _signjar_8.getKeystore();
            int _length_8 = _keystore_3==null?0:_keystore_3.length();
            boolean _greaterThan_8 = (_length_8 > 0);
            if (_greaterThan_8) {
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        T result = caseJar(jar);
        if (result == null) result = defaultCase(theEObject);
        return result;
      case AntTasksPackage.SIGN_JAR: {
        SignJar signJar = (SignJar)theEObject;
        T result = caseSignJar(signJar);
        if (result == null) result = defaultCase(theEObject);
        return result;
      default: return defaultCase(theEObject);
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   * <!-- begin-user-doc -->
   * <!-- end-user-doc -->
   * @generated
  public NotificationChain basicSetSignjar(SignJar newSignjar, NotificationChain msgs) {
    SignJar oldSignjar = signjar;
    signjar = newSignjar;
    if (eNotificationRequired()) {
      ENotificationImpl notification = new ENotificationImpl(this, Notification.SET, AntTasksPackage.ANT_TASK__SIGNJAR, oldSignjar, newSignjar);
      if (msgs == null) msgs = notification; else msgs.add(notification);
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Related Classes of at.bestsolution.efxclipse.tooling.jdt.ui.internal.editors.model.anttasks.SignJar

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